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All players & coaches as well as clubs of Mumbai Suburban District, are required to mandatorily register under the Mumbai Upnagar Fencing Association to participate in various events organised by district association such as selection trials, district competition , training camps etc.

Player Registration

Cost - 1000 (1 year )

            3000 (10 years)

All the players are supposed to register by choosing the option of membership for either 1year or 10 years whichever is suitable for the player without which he /she will not be able to participate in any district association event. Duration of the registration is from 1st July to 30th June. 

Renewal of the membership should be done 5 days prior to the expiry of earlier subscription. 

Players are supposed to register through the following given form/ Link.



Coach Registration

Cost - 1000

All the coaches are supposed to register under the district association. The above cost mentioned is for the duration of 1year. Duration of the registration is from 1st July to 30th June. 

Renewal of the membership should be done 5 days prior to the expiry of earlier subscription.

Coaches are supposed to register through the following given form/Link.




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